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Mental Health and Wellbeing

Rehab Management works with thousands of employers and employees across Australia on a range of preventative workplace mental health and wellbeing initiatives.

The SuperFriend 2020 report found that mental health concerns are the most common reason for lower productivity in 2020, affecting 3 in 5 workers.

To work towards addressing this, we offer a range of training solutions and services aimed at raising awareness and providing practical solutions to mental health and wellbeing in the workplace. These services include CheckInToday, Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) training, Mental Health Awareness, and Bullying and Harassment training.

Mental Health Awareness and Mental Health First Aid (MHFA)

We provide Mental Health Awareness training for organisations designed to assist managers and the organisation in early identification and strategies to support mental health in the workplace.

Also, whilst physical first aid is accepted and widespread in our community, most do not cover mental health problems. Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) teaches people the skills necessary to help friends, family or co-workers, who may be experiencing or suffering from mental illness.

MHFA is the help provided to a person who is developing a mental health problem, experiencing a worsening mental health problem or in a mental health crisis.

The first aid is given until the appropriate professional help is received or the crisis resolves.

Bullying and Harassment Training

Workplace bullying is repeated and unreasonable behaviour directed towards an individual or group that creates a risk to health and safety. Unreasonable behaviour includes behaviour that is victimising, humiliating, intimidating, or threatening and can adversely affect the psychological and physical health of an individual.

Anti-discrimination law on the other hand defines harassment as any form of behaviour that is directed to a group or individual and:
  • is unwanted
  • offends, humiliates or intimidates
  • creates a hostile environment
  • Deterioration of work performance
  • Anti-social behaviour, impact on family/relationships
  • Stress-related illnesses and headaches
  • Anxiety, depression; self-blame
  • Stomach disorders and skin rashes
  • Disempowerment
  • Lethargy and sleep disturbance
  • Loss of concentration
  • Loss of self-esteem, lowered self confidence
  • Anger, irritability
  • Loss of income; loss of potential income
  • Panic attacks
  • Reluctance to go to work
  • Uncertainty of self
  • material that is displayed in the workplace, posted on a notice board
  • material on a computer, sent by email, or put on a website
  • verbal abuse or comments
  • offensive jokes or gestures
  • ignoring, isolating or segregating a person or group - for example not inviting someone to a work event that everyone else is invited to
  • Compensation claims
  • Sickness absence
  • Stress breakdowns
  • Suspensions
  • Dismissals
  • Early retirements
  • Direct costs include absenteeism, greater staff turnover, higher rates of illness and accidents
  • Disciplinary procedures
  • Grievances initiated
  • Litigation including employment tribunals or legal action against employees

How Can Rehab Management Help?

We offer a range of educative seminars and training to our clients that include:

  • Bullying and harassment
  • Prevention and management of negative workplace behaviours
  • Preventing psychological injuries through leadership
  • Self-management strategies and techniques
  • Dealing with difficult stakeholders
  • Techniques to build resilience
  • What is stress and how can you manage it?

In addition, Rehab Management provides a number of innovative services including CheckInToday that organisations can use with their staff that take a holistic approach to supporting mental health and wellbeing.

Speak to one of our specialist consultants.

Did you know?

The SuperFriend 2020 report shows an overwhelming 93.9% of workers believe their workplace would benefit from investing in mental health and wellbeing.

Rehab Management Difference

We aim to provide exceptional services for everyone we work with, including businesses and all of our corporate clients.

People first approach

Passionate multi-disciplinary allied health professionals

Award winning innovative services

Evidence based services

Office locations across Australia

Positive workplace culture

“Thanks Rehab Management for running this informative course. My knowledge has definitely grown in mental health in general but also how to be a first aid officer in mental health. Very helpful when working in the rehabilitation field but also in everyday life.”

Mental Health First Aid Training Participant

“I found this in-depth training to be very informative and helpful. I have walked away with valuable skills and knowledge. It is a useful tool in my line of work and everyday life.

It taught people how to cope with not only their problems but help others with theirs. It could benefit people greatly now and in the future.”

Mental Health First Aid Training Participant

Our Innovative Programs

We have a number of innovative award-winning services and programs that support businesses and individuals, designed to provide easy access, reduce recovery time frames, or identify potential mental health issues early. These include RMReach, MyDirection, StepUpToday, CheckInToday and our bespoke digital wellness platform PeopleCompass.

Rehab Management partners with a number of universities in the development of programs ensuring each one incorporates the latest evidence-based practices to aid communication and increase support of individuals.