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The First Steps to a Civilian Career after Military

With the right support, your transition from military service to a civilian career will be a smooth and successful operation.

The decision to leave your military career and transition into the civilian workforce doesn’t have to be overwhelming. With preparation and support, you can achieve a smooth and happy transition. Support and guidance is available from a many organisations. Using their resources is the key to unlocking a successful civilian career. With 20 years’ experience, Rehab Management works alongside RSL, Mates 4 Mates, Heroes on the Homefront, and Hearts 4 Heroes to maximise support on your journey.

Let’s look at some of the important aspects you can start researching and considering during your preparation phase.


Military Service to Civilian Career

The skills you have acquired during your military life are valuable and diverse. From management scenarios to more practical skills, these must now be transferred to civilian life. Start dissecting your skills and assessing what are the areas in which you are most confident and competent. There will be aspects of your experience that give you joy and aspects that are less appealing. Analysing these components will start to give you a career direction. Focus on a career using the positive aspects of your skills. This will allow the transition to be more positive and successful. Your updated resume will represent your career history and skills. Having it professionally prepared by experienced consultants is invaluable. Their experience allows them to describe your skills to match your job applications.


Research, Don’t Regret

Google will be your best friend. Ask away! Although you will be supported by organisations with experience and knowledge, there is no greater gift than research. Civilian life will be different, but it doesn’t have to be a shock. Start researching management styles of companies in your chosen field. The financial aspects of civilian life may differ greatly to military life. Will you be asking your support crew about financial advice? Your research is about preparation and questions. Get a notebook and start your transition project. Keep notes. Talk to friends who have transitioned successfully to civilian life. Use other people’s experiences to help make yours positive and successful.


Creating your Civilian Signature

Online resources for your journey into a civilian career are endless. Creating a Linkedin profile is a great starting point. Your Linkedin profile is literally your link to a network you didn’t know you had. Once you start connecting with other business and career people, your network will grow quickly. This network could lead to a job offer or open avenues for meeting like-minded people.

SFE, Support for Employment, offers 1 to 1 support (to eligible Veterans) and can assist with resume writing, interview preparation and job seeking.  You will not be alone as you adjust to a civilian workplace.

Knowledge is power!

Your change in career choice is exciting. It may also be stressful. Our team of more than 100 registered consultants at Rehab Management will guide and support you through every aspect of your new civilian life. Together we will navigate your new path for a successful and fulfilling outcome.

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