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10 pieces of advice to my 25-year-old self

I was always taught to live a life free of regrets. It is important however, to reflect on lessons learned from your experiences both personally and professionally.

I was always taught to live a life free of regrets. It is important however, to reflect on lessons learned from your experiences both personally and professionally.

Here’s what I’d say to my 25-year-old self.

  1. Congratulations on choosing Occupational Therapy as your chosen profession. I know you weren’t sure about this career path – but, you have chosen well.
  2. You will have challenges along the way but, continue to work hard because I can guarantee you, that the best is yet to come.
  3. Never have regrets because although you will fail (and you will), let this be a lesson to you. It’s important that you pick yourself up, retrace your steps, look at what went well and what when wrong, and learn from your mistakes.
  4. Entrepreneur is not a word that you will be overly familiar with but, you will.
  5. Be curious, ask a lot of questions and continue to challenge the status quo.
  6. Remain grounded, always be respectful and stay connected with people, this will be one of your strongest traits as a leader.
  7. Never settle for ordinary, put in that bit extra and be ‘extraordinary’.
  8. Always keep family and loved ones close to you.
  9. Continue your passion, commitment and if you dream it, you can do it!
  10. Reach for the stars and no matter what you do in life– be proud!

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