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10 pieces of advice to my 25-year-old self
I was always taught to live a life free of regrets. It is important however, to reflect on lessons learned from your experiences both personally and professionally.
I was always taught to live a life free of regrets. It is important however, to reflect on lessons learned from your experiences both personally and professionally.
Here’s what I’d say to my 25-year-old self.
- Congratulations on choosing Occupational Therapy as your chosen profession. I know you weren’t sure about this career path – but, you have chosen well.
- You will have challenges along the way but, continue to work hard because I can guarantee you, that the best is yet to come.
- Never have regrets because although you will fail (and you will), let this be a lesson to you. It’s important that you pick yourself up, retrace your steps, look at what went well and what when wrong, and learn from your mistakes.
- Entrepreneur is not a word that you will be overly familiar with but, you will.
- Be curious, ask a lot of questions and continue to challenge the status quo.
- Remain grounded, always be respectful and stay connected with people, this will be one of your strongest traits as a leader.
- Never settle for ordinary, put in that bit extra and be ‘extraordinary’.
- Always keep family and loved ones close to you.
- Continue your passion, commitment and if you dream it, you can do it!
- Reach for the stars and no matter what you do in life– be proud!