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How We Celebrate International Day of People with Disability

IDPWD is a United Nations observed day aimed at increasing public awareness, understanding and acceptance of people with disability. Although the businesses within Arriba Group have different service offerings, we come together to provide outstanding support for people with disability.

We spoke to our staff to gain insight on the way that disability has impacted their lives, whether it be a personal experience or in their professional experience working with people with disability.




Written responses:

“Living with a vision impairment my whole life, I have experienced difficulty to find rewarding employment that ticks all my professional and personal must-haves without the “driver’s license essential” box required by most employers. However, through perseverance and not letting what I cannot obtain due to my disability has led me to having my dream job and able to work with teams across the country virtually and a day like today highlights the diversity of our workforce, and that sometimes compromises or conscious change implementation from large organisations can and should be worth it”

Cliff, Operational Training Consultant at AimBig Employment


“International Day of Disability is a day to increase awareness and compassion for those with a  disability. It’s also an opportunity to create  society, one that is inclusive and accessible for people of all abilities.”

Taylor, Client Relations Manager at Rehab Management


“I started with AimBig Employment 2 months ago and coming into this environment and letting the employer know I have a disability such as epilepsy Aim Big didn’t bat an eye lid and still employed me. I’ve always been hesitant advising employers and people around me because it’s somewhat an ‘unseen disability’. My success story is coming on board here and being supported by an organisation that cares for their staff and the external stake holders.”

Kris, Customer Service Consultant at AimBig Employment


“Not only are we celebrating the achievements and contributions of people with disability, but also recognising what really matters in life. It is adding value ad positivity to someone else’s life and empowering every individual we encounter every single day/ We celebrate and continue to come together as one to embrace and build a more inclusive society for people with disability.”

Maria, Business Development Manager at LiveBig.


“In 2019, at the age of 62, I had been out of the workforce for two years and during this time I had been doing volunteer work at Vinnies and receiving Centrelink benefits. Late in 2018, I had started to have problems with my shoulders and neck, unfortunately this condition was exacerbated by reaching so I had to stop my volunteer work. I was referred to Aimbig Employment by Centrelink. My Job Coach was Tarlea Ngawati, who was wonderful and so understanding of my situation and concerns about getting another job at my age. I was able to find work, so I am grateful for my new employer to have been so understanding.”

Dawn, Risk and Compliance Consultant at Arriba Group


“At the Group, all the staff and myself individually really embrace disability. In fact, our core business is supporting people with disability. Whether you’re working with Rehab Management going back to work and have a short or long term disability, or being supported by AimBig Employment to find work, or receiving LiveBig services, we are passionate about increasing our clients quality of lives. We empower people with disability to live a better life, it’s important as a community that we embrace people with disability because we need to increase awareness and we need to be inclusive.”

Marcella, Chief Executive Officer at Arriba Group

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