Transparency is the key to a future-proof business
Experts estimate that within a year, over a half of our workforce will be millennials but, a workplace built of mainly 20 and 30-somethings still sounds alien to many team leaders.
Experts estimate that within a year, over a half of our workforce will be millennials but, a workplace built of mainly 20 and 30-somethings still sounds alien to many team leaders. One take away from this week’s RMAcademy (Rehab Management’s graduate program) is that the new working generation has different expectations of their employer’s priorities primarily around, transparency.
Today, trust and transparency are the most important factors to maintain employee satisfaction. These increase engagement, encourage productivity and help align employees to a business’s values and core business goals. Most millennials see transparency as a way to take on different opportunities in the workforce, gain access to information and expand their job description. Others see it an indicator in trusting their employer to have employees’ best interests at heart.
Because of this millennial fixation on transparency, companies that are actively promoting a culture of transparency are attracting the best talent in what is becoming an increasingly competitive and saturated market.
Businesses are rightly rushing to adapt to a dynamic workforce led by millennials but, without flattening the hierarchical nature of businesses and making the company workflow transparent, the point is moot. Open and engaging workplaces are the vital to future-proofing businesses and ensuring employee satisfaction in the next generation.
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