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Reservist Leave

Reservist Leave is a type of leave available to members of the Australian Defence Force Reserves. The Australian Defence Force Reserves support the full-time Australian Defence Force in protecting Australia and assisting on domestic and overseas deployments. These duties include contributing to the nationwide response to flooding, bushfires and Covid-19 as well as combat, peacekeeping and humanitarian operations. In order to maintain their readiness for deployment, Reservists are expected to complete a minimum 20 days of training and maximum of 100 days each year.  This training can occur on weekends, evenings or in some cases during the work week, requiring a Reservist to be away from their civilian employment.

One of the advantages of being a Reservist is the ability to fit the requirements of the role in with your life and work commitments. Reservists may participate in parade nights with their local unit to maintain their soldier training, develop employment related skills and plan ahead for future military exercises and domestic and overseas deployment. Through their training Reservists develop skills in communication, leadership, teamwork and time & resource management. They also have the opportunity to gain nationally recognised qualifications.

Defence Reservist’s workplace rights are protected under the Fair Work Act 2009 and the Defence Reserve Service (Protection) Act 2001. This legislation protects the work rights of the Reservist and allows them to maintain civilian employment while taking leave to participate in training, deployment and other activities related to their service. In order to apply for reservist leave, employees are required to provide their employer with written notice of the leave, along with any relevant documentation. Under the Fair Work Act 2009, employers are required to grant Reservist Leave to eligible employees, and make reasonable adjustments for Reservist employees. This can include allowing flexible working arrangements or providing additional support on return to work after deployment.

Reservist Leave is unpaid, but reservists may be eligible for financial assistance from the ADF. They are also entitled to return to their civilian job at the same pay and conditions as when they left. Employers are encouraged to develop supportive Reservist Policies to enable employees to fulfill their Reservist requirements. Employers of Reservists may be eligible for financial assistance through the Employer Support Payment Scheme when their employees are undertaking their commitments to the Australian Defence Force Reserves.

The Arriba Group (the parent company of Rehab Management) is committed to supporting our employees who are members of the Australian Defence Force Reserves with our Reservist Leave policy and we recognise the benefits our Reservist employees bring to the group and our current and ex-serving military clients.

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