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    Dedicating Valentine’s Day to Our Clients

    For 24 years, Rehab Management at its heart has always been a people business, with our clients at the centre always being put first. Everyday all Rehab Management teams and staff across the country regardless of job title adore assisting and working with our clients.

    On the world-renowned day of celebrating love, we wanted to share why the Rehab Management team love working with our clients.

    “As Head of Client Relations, I love making that connection with my customers and internal team members, putting myself in their situations and thinking broadly of how I may be able to support them and make a difference in their role, their life or even just their day. I live to support and assist my customers and internal team members.” – Susie Irvine, Head of Client Relations.

    “The greatest gift we can give is our time, knowledge and helping our clients achieve their goals. There is no greater joy and satisfaction to see their smile.” Amlan Sharma, Client Relations Manager -Life Insurance, NSW.

    “Watching our clients overcome hurdles and achieve outcomes they at one point did not believe to be possible, teaches me every day the importance of grit, determination and striving to achieve more! My clients teach me to be a better person every day!” – Brennan Smith, Group State Manager – QLD, ACT & TAS.

    “I love working with clients because it is always so rewarding to watch and support them in achieving their goals, whether they are work related, personal or recovery focused.  Being able to learn, tailor our services to each individual’s needs and collaboratively work through barriers, is a challenge that I love.” – Julia Pizzica, Rehab Consultant, Moone Ponds.

    “The one reason I love working with clients is that I enjoy building relationships that can have a positive long-lasting effect on a client’s life” – Michael Pirone, State Manager, SA.

    “I love working with clients to see them gain their confidence to return to their pre-injury activities especially with the family” – Toby Newton McGee, Acting Regional Manager, Western Sydney, NSW.

    “I love working with clients as it consolidates the career path I have chosen. Seeing people reintegrate into society after being away from work for so long is very fulfilling. Likewise, working with employers to prevent injuries means more people go to work and return home safely each day”- Dominik Nalecz, Business Development Manager.


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