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Building Stronger Connections and Quality Care this World MS Day

World MS Day brings the global MS community together on May 30 to share stories, raise awareness and campaign with everyone affected by multiple sclerosis (MS). The theme for 2022 World MS Day 2022 is ‘Connections’.

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a progressive, autoimmune disease of the central nervous system whereby the immune system attacks and damages the myelin (the protective layer around nerve fibres). It interferes with nerve impulses within the brain, spinal cord and optic nerves causing varied and unpredictable symptoms, depending on which part of the central nervous system is affected and to what degree. The most common symptoms are fatigue, pain, cognitive changes, bladder and bowel issues, heat sensitivity, spasticity, problems with vision, brain fog and changes in emotion. Some symptoms are immediately obvious whilst other signs such as fatigue, numbness and cognitive fog, can be invisible.

The four-year global theme (2020 – 2023) aims to build community connection, self-connection, and connections to quality care. To honour this years theme, we’ve spoken to Louise, one of our Senior Physiotherapists and Team Leader in Brisbane for her insight into how Rehab Management can support people living with multiple sclerosis.

“Here at Rehab Management we have a multidisciplinary team of allied health professional working to assist our clients suffering from Multiple Sclerosis with maintaining independence and improving their quality of life. The symptoms and severity of MS can vary from person to person which means we place importance of constructing individualised programs tailored for the needs of each Client. Through the utilisation of a range of our award-winning innovation programs such as our physical conditioning program (RM Enhance) which aids in improved physical function through a therapist led exercise program and StepUp Today App which focuses on setting achievable goals, we are able to tailor our support to meet the individual’s needs”.

Today is an opportunity to advocate for best quality services and to celebrate support networks.

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