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Mediation and Facilitation Discussion Services

Workplace Facilitated Discussion and Mediation provides a structured avenue for individuals in the workplace to engage in challenging conversations, resolve conflicts, negotiate agreements, and ultimately improve working relationships. It offers a safe and effective environment for addressing issues that may arise within the workplace setting.

“Mediation” and “Facilitated Discussion” are similar but have differences. Mediation is a confidential process that helps parties reach an agreement payable by the employer. Workplace facilitated discussion is a claim cost that supports parties in addressing issues affecting their recovery at work.

At Rehab Management, both services are available, and are provided by a mediator/facilitator accredited by the National Mediator Accreditation System.


What are the benefits of workplace facilitated discussion?

  • Prevention of Harm: The structured nature of the discussion process prevents harm and aggravation to participants’ well-being, ensuring a safe space for open dialogue.
  • Supportive Environment: Participants are allowed to bring a support person to the discussion, providing additional emotional support if needed.
  • Flexible Formats: Discussions can be conducted in person, virtually via video conference, or over the phone, catering to diverse work arrangements.
  • Agreement Review: A written discussion agreement is crafted and reviewed by each party before finalisation, ensuring clarity and mutual understanding.
  • Nationwide Availability: Provided by Rehab Management, this service is available across Australia, offering accessibility to organisations nationwide


How does it work?

Participation in Workplace Facilitated Discussion and Mediation is voluntary, requiring openness and consent from all parties involved. Our facilitators are accredited by the National Mediator Accreditation System and act as impartial third parties in the process. We create a safe space for the parties to discuss issues, understand each other’s perspectives, and work towards agreements and actions to resolve conflict.

The process typically involves the following steps:

  1. Pre-discussion Consultation: Facilitators conduct consultations with each party to assess compatibility and determine if Workplace Facilitated Discussion and Mediation is the appropriate avenue for resolving the dispute.
  2. Session Arrangement: Based on mutual agreement, a method and time for the facilitated discussion session are set.
  3. Structured Facilitation: Facilitators follow a structured model that includes exploration, suggestions, and negotiations. This allows parties to express grievances, provide context, and ask questions in a supportive environment.
  4. Agreement Finalisation: At the end of the process, the facilitator drafts an agreement capturing the main discussion points, agreements, and actions agreed upon by both parties.


Rehab Management difference

Rehab Management specialises in workplace injuries and utilises accredited mediators/facilitators. With expertise in psychological workplace injuries and mental health conditions, we ensure the process does not cause harm to participants. Additionally, Rehab Management offers flexibility in scheduling discussions over multiple sessions to safeguard participant well-being and maintain a calm environment.

Contact us today to see how we can help!

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